Born in the late eighties, and grew up living in South-East London, Woolwich. There was only one team I was going to support. My Dad is a Gooner, and so too my older brother. I remember in the school playground in the nineties, playing bulldog, trading Merlin football stickers, cutting Macho Man-esque WWF promos. But one thing that stands out to this day as a boy from Jamaican and Bajan decent, is kids singing Ian Wright, to the then popular song 'Feeling Hot Hot Hot' by the Merrymen. At that time I can't think of anyone who had more charisma on a football pitch, and backed it up with goals, week in, week out. And Playing for England and represented my ethnicity just tick all the boxes for me as a young boy.
It's fair to say Arsenal stole my heart from an early age, and little did I know back then what a journey we would go on together. Going from a team winning mainly cups, to seeing us win the league in 89, at Anfield, against all odds. Winning doubles. Winning the league at Old Trafford, Sh!te Hart Lane, and then there is the season invincible. Some moments just live with you, and can never be forgotten.
From playing football against curbs between cars, brick-walls in alleys, parks with jumper goal posts, freshly cut school fields to Sensible Soccer, Pro Evo (PES) and FIFA. Football is a constant, and as long as players respect the game, I'll seeks out the beauty in it.
Today our recent success is in spells and the highs, are not as high. However I see us moving in a positive direction and so I hope to create more optimism by creating another avenue to stitch our strong and passionate fan-base together. Victory through harmony.